On Agelgl Life


'Widen gaze from Ukraine' to avert famine in Somalia, U.N. agency warns

To prevent Somalia from slipping into famine, the world must "widen its attention beyond the crisis in Ukraine," the UN's children's agency warned on Tuesday, warning that only a third of the $250 million required to avert disaster has been raised so far.


Four consecutive rainy seasons have failed in the Horn of Africa, resulting in the worst drought in more than 40 years, and a fifth is expected to fail in October-December.


Drought has struck millions throughout the continent, placing food necessities out of reach for impoverished people and damaging crops and cattle, thanks to a global spike in food and fuel prices pushed up by the crisis in Ukraine.


"An explosion of child death is about to happen in the Horn of Africa if the world does not extend its attention from the crisis in Ukraine and act promptly," Rania Dagash, UNICEF's deputy regional director, said during a press conference.


According to her, there are 386,000 children in Somalia who require immediate treatment for life-threatening malnutrition, which is already greater than the 340,000 children who required care in 2011, a year in which famine killed hundreds of thousands of people.


Donor support has been tremendous, but it falls short of the $250 million goal, according to Dagash.


"This year, we only have a third of what we need." "Our appeal to the world community, lead by the G7, which will gather in Germany in a few weeks, requires new, additional funds to save lives," she said.

Millions were malnourished, according to Etienne Peterschmitt, a representative for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a U.N. body, and 213,000 people were in the most vulnerable category, experiencing severe food shortages.


He claimed that the drought had dried up pastures and raised the cost of food and water. Drought and disease have claimed the lives of almost 3 million animals since last year. The southern Bay area was particularly troubled.


He stated that Somalia is "on the verge of terrible and widespread hunger, starvation, and death," and that it is a "perfect storm for famine if action is not taken soon."

Malnutrition rendered children more susceptible to sickness and required impoverished families to trek great distances for treatment, according to Dagash, who gave the example of a pregnant lady walking 120 kilometers (75 miles) for therapy for her 1-year-old twin sons.

"I've heard of children being buried along the side of the road as their families make the arduous journey to seek aid."

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